
The first step is the hardest

Thursday 15 January 2015

After spending most of my day at a medical centre yesterday I have to make serious changes to my diet/lifestyle. It might be easy for some but I really really like coffee and chocolate and cookies, not biscuits - koekies!

I have to minimize my intake of caffeine, chocolate, soft drinks and stress. That is easier said than done especially if you travel on the N1 everyday.

Small steps. Baby steps ...

I don't want to be a vegan vegetarian who is also banting, I just want to start living healthier. Although I almost lead myself into temptation today at Clicks. It was all going well until I was walking toward the cashiers. I was greeted by two rows of eye catching packaging filled with yummy deliciousness. I closed my eyes and thought of someone I saw yesterday - it's all fun and games until your jeans don't fit.  I do fit in my jeans but skinny (yeah right) is not everything. You have to be healthy as well. If it's not the most important.

Anyway, I ate 5 or 6 potions of fruit and I feel awesome about not buying or eating anything sweet or drinking a coke.

I will take this one step at a time and I feel healthier already!

Oh yes, I have to exercise as well!  Will let you know how that goes tomorrow.


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